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In order to provide the best learning environment for all students, some medications may have to be administered during the school day. The school nurse will be responsible for the administration of medications. NOTE: At no time are students to have pills on their person during the school day. By NY State Law, there are certain procedures to be followed before any medications (including over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or cough drops) can be given in school. They are as follows:

  • A written order from the prescribing physician is required. It should state the student’s name,medication, dosage, and duration of the medication.
  • A written statement from the parent or guardian requesting administration of the medication in school as ordered by the physician.

The medication must be delivered to school in the original properly labeled container. (This includes over-the-counter medications.)

The medication should be delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult. No medications should be sent to school with a child. The temptation to“share” a dose is a real danger.

An Administration of Prescribed Medication form is available from the Health Office. Please have your physician complete this and return it to the Health Office when you bring in your child’s medication.