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Booster Club


Any athlete who participates in a school sport automatically becomes a member of the All-Sports Booster Club. It is the athlete's choice whether they want to become actively involved with the Booster Club. The benefit of being involved is that involvement equals points and each Booster Club point equals $1. The athlete can use these points ($) for reimbursement purchased sports equipment and/or sports camps.

Ways to be involved include working a the concession stand (student must have an adult present), working at an admission table, being a ball boy/girl, or maintaining a score book.

If you have further questions, please contact school staff; Tim Freed, Michele Moore or Mike Kogut


Q: What do the points mean?
A: 1 point = $1

Q: How can a parent and/or athlete earn points?
A: Volunteer! Be a ball boy/girl, work at the concessions stand, collect admission at a sporting event, keep the scorebook for a sporting event, video/record a sporting event, etc.

Q: How many points can I earn for these activities?
A: Ball boy/girl, score bookkeeper, admission collector earn 5 points per event.
    Concessions stand workers earn 10 points per event.
    Concessions stand workers (football games only) earn 20 points per event

Q: Where do I record my volunteer time?
A: Concessions stand workers sign in on the calendar in the concession stand, all other volunteer activity the respective coach tracks your volunteer activities and reports them to the Booster Club.

Q: How do I know how many points I have earned?
A: You can email Mike Kogut at

Q: How do I redeem my points for cash back for sports equipment I purchased?
A: Complete the Athlete Form found at the bottom of this page, attach your receipt to the form, place form and attached receipt in the Booster Club mailbox located with staff mailboxes. A check will be mailed to you.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of points I can earn in a school year?
A: There is no limit to the number of points you can earn each school year, BUT all points must be redeemed prior to the first day of the following/next school year.

Q: I can't wait to volunteer! How do I sign up?
A: Ask your student's coach if they need a volunteer, email a Booster Club representative and ask if help is needed in the concessions stand, attend a Booster Club Meeting!